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Séminaire de géométrie

École polytechnique – Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz


14h00 – Arian Javanpaykar (JGU, Mayence)

"Hyperbolicities: arithmetic, algebraic, and analytic."


Résumé: In the first part of this talk we will state and discuss the Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture which relates different
notions of hyperbolicity for projective varieties over the complex numbers.  We will explain what it means for a projective variety to be arithmetically, analytically, or algebraically hyperbolic, and
give evidence (some old and new) for the Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture. For instance, we will explain how to prove that a projective variety which is "hyperbolic" in any sense of the word has only finitely many automorphisms. In the second part of this talk we will formulate a non-archimedean analogue
of the Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture (which involves a non-archimedean variant of Brody hyperbolicity). One of the main results that 
we will present is a proof of the Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture for "constant" projective varieties defined over a non-archimedean field  K of equicharacteristic zero. The latter is joint work with Alberto Vezzani.