Conférence scientifique Dr. Philippe Vernier

le  jeudi 22 juin à 10h30-12h en Amphi Arago, 

Dr. Philippe Vernier MD,
PhD developmental and evolutionary neurosciences,
Institut multidisciplinaire de neurosciences fondamentale
Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay  
Unité mixte de recherche du CNRS et de l’Université Paris-Sud
Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex

interviendra sur le thème : 
The nervous system, including the brain, is the powerful interface that has been selected during animal evolution to perceive environment and to act in the world and on the world. Looking at how the human brain works as compared to that of other animals helps understanding the peculiarity of the human brain and behaviours. This conference will present the general principle of the organization of the nervous system and how, on a common theme, the different groups of animals have elaborated many variations to adapt organisms to their environment. For example, question such as how good is a big brain, and how sophisticated cognitive functions (“intelligence”) has emerged will be exemplified, at the light of the most recent techniques and conceptual advances. As the brain itself, neuroscience is a discipline under construction.

Vidéo de la conférence :

Lieu(x) : Ecole Polytechnique, Amphithéâtre ARAGO